Whore Sister



I followed, trying not to stare as I learned that her panties were, in fact, a thong, and that the cheeks of her ass peeking out from below her babydoll were bright red. She’d lit a scented candle in the room, but it didn’t fully masked the acrid aroma permeating it. Her bed was a mess, and final confirmation came as my eyes darted to her trash can and saw a used condom sitting on top of its wrapper.

I thought about the guy I had met in the lobby, and for one vivid moment the image of him slapping my sister’s ass as he railed her doggy-style on the bed was seared into my mind.

Jill sat on the edge of her bed and crossed her legs. Her shoulders were slumped and she didn’t make eye contact. She reminded me of a beaten dog. “I hate to do this Henry, but is there any way I can get some money? Just a hundred bucks to make rent. Please? We really need it.” 

The words that came tumbling out of my mouth surprised even me. “Did you not make enough off of that lawyer or banker or whatever the fuck I met downstairs?” My voice was shaking, full of rancor I didn’t even know I had. “Fuck Jill, at least he got something for it. How much have I given you over the years? And nothing to show for it. How much do you cost anyway?”

Jill looked at me for the first time, eyes wide. “What the fuck are you saying Henry?”

“Oh don’t try to deny it.” I replied, “Mom and Dad were right, you’re a fucking whore. You’re in here giving your used up cunt to strangers while your daughters sit there in the other room listening. Some fucking role model. And now here I am, meeting my sister’s fucking Johns before she hits me up for money. So she’s not even an expensive fucking whore. My sister is a cheap, washed up hooker who doesn’t even suck and fuck well enough that she can be financially independent. So how much? How much do you cost?”

Jill looked down and muttered something. I cupped my hand to my ear. “What was that?”

“I said it depends on what you want.” She said, looking at me again eyes blazing with a certain fierceness. “Why, you buying, you fucking pig? I remember how you used to look at me back in the day.”

I wasn’t going to back down. There was venom in my voice. “Why the fuck not? If everyone else is going to enjoy my whore sister why shouldn’t I? Make you work for my money for once in your worthless life. So, what can I get for $100?”

Her shoulders were squared and tense, but she didn’t break eye contact. “For $100? 30 minutes of hand stuff, 15 minutes of mouth stuff, or ten minutes of fucking my tits. That includes the friends and family discount, pervert. You don’t have to be gentle, but you do have to wear a condom, otherwise it costs extra. So what’ll you have?”

“Apparently you know my admiration for your tits, but if I’m going to pay for a woman I’m going to get into a fucking hole. 15 minutes, and the blowjob better be good.” I slapped a wad of twenties onto her dresser and glanced up at the clock.

“Well, get started. Whore.”

My competitive instinct wouldn’t let me back down, but I didn’t actually expect my sister to do it. I think mostly I wanted to rattle her. I stood stalk still, shoulders back waiting for her to break. She slid off the bed and walked over to her night stand. Opening it up she pulled out a condom, which she removed from its packaging as she walked over to me.

Any minute now she’d back down. She came within a hairs breadth of me, and looked into my eyes. What I saw in her frightened me, but I stayed calm. Slowly, she sank to her knees in front of me without breaking eye contact. Pinching the tip of the condom she put it between her lips. Her hand reached out in slow motion.

Read next part
