


Part (2)


That time, when she silently walked into my room, I made no effort to stop or hide what I was doing. My fist kept pumping my throbbing dick as my mother stood in the center of the room watching.

She made no pretense of picking up clothes, as she stood holding the small laundry basket, her eyes glued to my pulsing cock. I wasn't sure what was happening, and yes I was a mess of conflicting emotions, but believe me that didn't stop me. Having someone watch you jerk off is one of any guy's hottest fantasies, even if it is your mother.

The third time she watched me I totally lost it. This time she was wearing her flowered sun dress, and I could see her slender legs and painted toes. Her breasts were pushing out against the thin fabric. It didn't take long to blow a massive load all over myself.

"Oh mom" I gasped as my orgasm hit. Her eyes grew wide as what felt was a gallon of hot cum coated my body.

Without a word, and not handing me a t-shirt this time, mom turned on her heels and left the room. I thought I had just fucked up royally, and that the fun was now over. Boy was I wrong.

Through dinner and after mom seemed preoccupied, but never said a word. By nine that night Dad was in the study preparing his sermon, my sister in her room behind locked door doing God knew what.

I had retreated to my room to play some video games, but needless to say teenage hormones once again took over. I had just stripped down and stretched out on my bed when there was a soft tap on my door.

I threw my sheet over my nude body and told them to come in. I watched as mom slipped into the room, closing the door behind her. She stood hesitant by the door, and then sucking on her lower lips, she looked up at me.

"What were you thinking of...last time?" she asked softly.

"You" I said, not seeing any reason to hide the truth.

"Why me?" she seemed surprised.

She was wearing the same sundress and I let my eyes travel over her. The barely hidden swell of her breasts, the slight pooch of her belly, and the hint of firm thighs just under the hemline. I could feel my cock stirring under the sheet as I gazed at her.

"Because I think you're hot" I told her.

Mom had not missed the shift of my sheet as my cock thickened and hardened, her eyes were riveted to my groin. Slowly she eased down into my desk chair, facing me.

"I've never seen a man..." she said hesitantly. "Do it again.” Her soft voice almost sounded pleading.

I drew the sheet back until my now steel hard cock slid into view. I reached down and gripped the shaft holding it upright. A drop of pre cum oozed from the tip.

"Oh my God" mom whispered. "I do that to you" she said in awe.

"Yes, you do" I honestly told her. "Now, you show me." I said.

"What?" she asked confused. Then her eyes widened again. "Oh nooooo, that wouldn't be right." She gasped.

"And this is?" I wagged my cock back and forth. "It may not be right, but fair is fair; I showed you." I encouraged her.

I could see a lot of conflict cross moms' face, and then her hands reached down to the hem of her dress. I watched as it slid up inch by inch, revealing her creamy thighs. My hand began to stroke slowly as the cloth slid higher and higher. At the top of her thighs it stopped, and my hand stopped with it.

"Don't stop...please." That pleading was back in her voice.

"Higher" I told her, holding my hand still.

I was shocked when she complied, pulling the hem the rest of the way to her waist. She wasn't wearing a hidden thong, but she wasn't wearing granny panties either. I would call them bikini style as they fit more like a swimsuit bottom on her. The fabric pulled tight as my hand pumped away.

"Oh God" I groaned as I felt the rising boil in my balls.

"Do I make you want know." She asked.

"You mean cum?" I finished for her. She nodded silently.

"You're going to make me cum very soon mom" I groaned.

It was then the next amazing thing happened. Without a word mom slipped from the desk chair, her forward movement bringing her to her knees at the side of my bed in the small room.

My body literally vibrated as mom reached out and wrapped her hand around my pulsing cock. Releasing my grip, I dropped my hands to my sides as mom took over slowly pumping my cock.

"Show me" she whispered.

"Unnngggggggggg" I groaned, now past words as my balls erupted.

"Yesssssssss" mom hissed softly as my hot cream exploded from the tip and sprayed across my belly.

By the time I had emptied every drop out of my balls; my belly was covered in hot seed. I could see a thick strand coating her painted fingers as she drew her hand away, but she made no effort to wipe any of my cum from her hand.

"Before your father...changed" Mom stared at her cum covered hand as she spoke. "I used to do this for him."

With a sigh mom rose to her feet and turned to the door. I knew it was now or never, so I spoke.

"Mom wait" I said softly. She turned and faced me.

"I'd love to return the favor" I told her.

Mom studied my face silently for a moment. Then she spoke softly.

"You mean that don't you" she seemed surprised.

"Very much" I told her.

Mom stood at the door and studied my face for a moment, I thought at first, she was going to say something, and then she turned and left my room without a word. I just lay on my bed but stunned and tremendously turned on by the fact my mother had just jacked me off. The image of her hand sliding up and down my cock now forever burned in my memory.

It was less than a week later that the next encounter came. It wasn't laundry day, so I really wasn't expecting anything. There hadn't been anything interesting on television, so I had headed off to bed early.

Dad, as was his usual, was working on another sermon or something in the den, and mom had gone to take a shower; so, I figured I had a little private time. I hadn't gotten the chance to jerk off after school, and my balls were beginning to ache with that familiar feeling.

I had just slipped off my shirt and jeans and was standing in my underwear in the middle of my room when mom quietly slipped inside. This time there had been no knock, no indication she was coming.

I opened my mouth to say something when I realized she must have just come from the shower. Her damp hair was combed and hung to her shoulders. Her body encased in a fluffy blue robe I watched her once again sit in my computer chair.

Mom watched me with this expectant look on her face, but this time I wanted something a bit different. Rather than stretching out on my bed, I stepped closer to her in the small room. Standing in front of her, I lowered my boxers and kicked them free.

Mom gave a small gasp as my hardening cock began to expand only inches from her face. With almost a reverence she reached out and wrapped one hand around my throbbing cock, she gave a small smile as she felt it twitch in her grip.

"I really excite you." She whispered. I could only grunt in reply. "Why, you can't see anything." She slowly began to pump my dick.

"I can...imagine." I almost moaned. This was such a new sensation I was still getting used to the idea my mother was jerking me off.

I felt my knees want to buckle as mom's other hand reached up and tugged at the belt to her robe. I couldn't believe what she was doing as the two folds separated in front of my eyes. The expanse of skin flooded my vision as her breasts came into view.

"Oh my God" I groaned; her breasts were fantastic.

The twin globes stood proud on her chest, full and round. They looked so soft and my hands ached to reach down and touch them. I could see them rise and fall with her labored breathing as she smiled at the sensation of my cock stiffening even more in her grip.

"Is that better?" she asked softly.

"Fuck yes" I moaned. I realized then she was offering herself to me, the fair exchange I had mentioned before.

I lowered a hand and cupped her soft flesh. I could feel her shudder at the touch and a soft sigh escaped her lips. She gave a little moan as my fingertips caressed her hard nipple.

"It's long" she looked up into my eyes.

My God, how my father could just ignore such beauty, I wondered. Here she was in need, and if he wouldn't I was damned if I was going to be the same insensitive asshole.

I pulled my hips back and slid my cock from mom's grip. She seemed startled as I kneeled on the floor at her feet. Reaching up I laid my hands on her knees and began to gently separate her legs.

"You shouldn't...what are you..." she whispered. Then a low groan followed as my lips landed on her firm inner thighs.

"Oh my God...Oh my God..." she moaned as I left a moist trail higher and higher along her thighs.

"My turn" I said as I opened her thighs even further.

Mom's eyes widened as the dark fur covering her pussy came into view, she knows what I am going to do, I thought. Glancing between her now spread thighs; I could see her swollen and glistening lips through the tangle of hair.

My only exposure to a pussy had been in porn, and almost all of them shaved. There was something so primal and exciting seeing my mother in her natural wonder.

"We can't...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" mom moaned.

I had ignored her comment and extending my tongue I dragged it up the length of her soaked gash. Her scent filled my nostrils, and her taste coated my tongue as I gripped her now quivering thighs.

Finishing at her throbbing clit, I pulled my head back, staring into her fever filled eyes. I knew she wanted this, but she needed to admit it; to herself as much as me.

"Should I stop?" I asked in a teasing voice.

Mom reached down and tangled her fingers in my hair. An almost wild look filled her eyes as she tightened her grip.

"God help me no" she panted back. Then she spewed more filth than I think I had ever heard her say in my entire life.

"Lick mommy’s cunt baby" she half growled. "I want to fucking cum all over your face." I felt her tug at the back of my head.

In shock my mouth closed on her, my tongue driving through the mat of hair to spear between her lips. I heard a guttural moan as my mouth tasted her hot nectar. This was my first time being with a woman. Oh I had watched a ton of porn; but doing it yourself was totally different.

I sucked, licked slurped, and drank every drop I could. I wanted nothing more than to please this woman. I found her pulsing clit and pulled it into my mouth, sucking on the hard bud.

Mom reached up one hand and grabbed the lapel of her robe, stuffing the soft cloth into her gaping mouth just in time to muffle the wail that rolled out of her.

"Mmmppfffffffffffffffffffffffff" mom screamed into the soft cloth, as her other hand ground my face between her spasming thighs.

A flood of hot cream pumped out into my mouth, and you could hear me swallow as my mother orgasmed on my tongue.

"So good, oh God" mom moaned as she dropped the cloth away. One hand holding my head while the other cupped her breast, pinching her aching nipple.

For some reason I didn't want once to be enough, I slid one hand off her thigh and deeper into the valley. Even as her body trembled and shook from the after-shocks of her first orgasm, I slid two fingers into her drenched hole.

"Oh fuck...fuck yes." Mom moaned. "Finger fuck me baby”, mom groaned down at me.

My face coated in her juices, I looked up at her face. It was bright red, and the veins on her neck stood out as her back began to arch in the chair.

"Going shit" mom gasped. Quickly I lowered my mouth back down and engulfed her swollen lips. Then an animal gurgle came out of her mouth as my mouth flooded full once again.

I can't tell you how good it felt to make my mother feel such pleasure, but it did. I held her spasming body and drank deeply of her as she roared through her orgasm.

By the time mom eased back in the chair my entire face was covered, and hot juices dripped off my chin to my chest. Her hands tugged at the sides of my head and I slowly withdrew to stare into her eyes.

"Do you know what you just did?" she asked still panting.

"Yes, I do." I said simply. I wasn't going to brag, but neither would I hide from the fact I had just given my mother two fantastic orgasms.

Read next part
