Masturbation is a natural activity that many people enjoy. It can help people discover their sexual preferences, learn about their body, and provide themselves with pleasure.
Some people may have heard that masturbating before sex can desensitize the penis and make males “last longer.” However, there is no scientific proof of this.
It may work for some people, however, and there are plenty of anecdotal claims to support this.
Masturbating before sex can also be enjoyable foreplay. It may help a person become both physically and mentally turned on before sex. Some people believe that masturbating with another person can help them feel more open and connected to their partner.
In this article, learn about the benefits of masturbating before sex for males and females, as well as some of the things to be aware of.
Masturbating before sex may also be a good way for females to reduce tension and find release before the act of sex.
Some females also experience a refractory period after orgasm. However, females have a slightly different experience to males.
Most males can only have one orgasm before their refractory period, and they experience a long refractory period.
Females, on the other hand, tend to experience much shorter refractory periods. During these short phases, the vagina and clitoris may still be very sensitive, and the person may not enjoy stimulation.
However, this phase tends to end quickly. This is why it is not uncommon for females to experience multiple orgasms per sexual encounter.
Some may experience a longer refractory period than others, and they may feel less sexual desire during this time. In these cases, masturbating before sex may not be a good idea, as it may reduce how much a person wants to have sex.
Stress or tension relief Pleasuring oneself before a sexual encounter may help reduce stress , as the brain releases feel-good endorphins after orgasm. This may be helpful for people who are nervous around their partner or who experience sex anxiety .
Masturbating before sex may also help remove any tension from the situation, as a person no longer feels that they have to orgasm to enjoy themselves sexually.
This may be beneficial for both partners, as the sex may become more about the act itself rather than simply orgasm.
Comfort and avoiding premature ejaculation Intimacy and achieving orgasm Sexual dysfunctions Refractory period A phenomenon called the refractory period may help support this idea. The refractory period is the recovery time a person has to go through after an orgasm before they can orgasm again.
Following an orgasm, males usually cannot have another orgasm right away. Their penis will become flaccid and lose its ability to stay erect. The penis can also be very sensitive to touch after orgasm, causing pain and throbbing if the person or their partner continues with stimulation.
As a study in the journal BJU International Trusted Source notes, this is partly because the body releases more of the hormone prolactin after orgasm. This hormone seems to block off the sexual pleasure a person can feel during the refractory period.
Because of this, some people think that masturbation can desensitize them to the pleasure of sexual intercourse.
In reality, the refractory period is typically short — though it can vary. As the International Society for Sexual Medicine note, the refractory period of younger males is usually only a few minutes. However, older men may need 12–24 hours to recover. After this, they can achieve erections and have orgasms again.
Everyone is different. Some males do feel that it is harder to have a second orgasm than the first one, and they may last much longer during sex because of this.
For older males who experience refractory periods that last hours, masturbating before sex may help prevent them from having an orgasm during sexual intercourse. This may allow them to enjoy much longer periods of sexual intercourse.
This may make masturbating before sex beneficial for some males who tend to experience early ejaculation.
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