Love (And Sex!) In The Time of Zombies Chapter 2 - The Rescue


I got the hell out of Dodge, err, Phoenix. When the shit hits the fan, you want to be first out or you'll be stuck in traffic jams forever. Fortunately, it was about 4 am Sunday morning so the roads were basically empty. I began coaxing my heavily laden Jeep up the 5,500 foot climb on I-17 to Flagstaff.

Talked to my buddies on the cell, they were all making their way to the cabin with their wives. Claire called, she sounded panicky. She apologized, and could I please take her to the cabin? I told her to go to the Walmart I was just at and buy a gun and some ammo. She told me to fuck off. I told her to suck a dick until it cums.

Called my parents. They didn't believe me about anything. Dad did check that the door was locked. Sigh. I'd set them up with as much stuff as I could, but you can only do so much for people. They didn't want to come over from Vegas. They do have a shotgun, water barrels, MREs... should last them a couple months.

Went up to Flagstaff and turned east on 40, could see some fires burning in the little city. Went 50 some-odd miles outside of town, then found a side road to hide and take a rest.

Many hours later, I finally made it back to the cabin. Had lots of excitement, though. Ran over 10-12 zombies. Shot a few more. Saved a few lives, for the time being, at least. Lesson for the future, firing your gun INSIDE a car is hazardous to your hearing! The movies don't prepare you for how loud that can be!

The little town just below our compound in the hills seems to be okay. The news is reporting instances of terrorism on a large scale. No mention of zombies, though. Wow. Thanks for the fair and balanced reporting. Don't want people to know what's really happening. The websites are going crazy though. Youtube has footage up that is shocking.

David stopped answering his cell phone. So did Chris and Steven. Maybe the cells went down due to power outages? They are far too smart to get caught up in this crap. I hope. But then, I drove out of only one actual city. They've got scores of cities to get through.

I swept the area, all clear. Then I started unloading the trailer and Jeep, and got down to the business of survival.
