College Friends


Mmm, I was so horny. I was in my pool, naked, sitting in the shallow end the night before my flight, fingering myself. With my free hand, I grabbed a breast, easily bringing it to my own mouth to suck. It’d been months since I got any action.

I was fine with that. I didn’t feel like dating. I didn’t care to meet up for drinks, to wait by the phone, to come up with crap to talk about; everything that went along with dating. I was fine being alone, having sex to, well, myself. I had my toys, my fingers, everything I needed to orgasm. I also enjoyed spending time with my son.

There was desire to have a person in me, yes. I got so horny sometimes, the lust and desire to touch another human, I had to masturbate in the bathroom at work. However, I stayed strong. I would have no drama in my life.

After I climaxed, I climbed out of the pool, the cool night air sending tingles over my body. I grabbed my towel, went inside and called Kristen. I couldn’t wait to see her to tomorrow. I was flying to Atlanta to visit her for my vacation. My son would stay with his Aunt, and it’d be a trip I’d make alone.

Unfortunately, the circumstances weren’t happy. Her soon-to-be ex-husband, Trent, betrayed her. He cheated on her with another woman. I was shocked and saddened by this. My friend, Kristen, someone I met back in my sophomore year of college, 14 years ago, was so hurt she moved away from LA, away from everyone. She said she needed time to adjust and try to move on. I thought she might’ve been embarrassed by the whole ordeal. The only thing I could do to comfort her was hold her.

When I arrive in Atlanta for my visit, I’ll do just that – hold her, let her cry, for as long as needed.

I gave her a call, unwrapping the towel from my body, sitting on the bed.


I wiped a few tears, unable to sleep, as usual. Wendy called me. I knew she’d know I was wide awake. I sniffed, collected myself and answered.

“Hey,” I said, trying to sound like I was asleep.

“Hi there. Tomorrow at this time, I’ll be there with you. We’ll be drinking, talking, laughing,” Wendy told me.

“Yes, I can’t wait.”

“You sound so excited,” Wendy joked.

“I’m sorry, Wendy. I just –“ I had no words, other than I was miserable.

“It’s fine, it really is. You don’t have to wear a happy face for me. I’m here for you, and tomorrow, I’ll be there for you.”

“I know and I am looking forward to it. I could use your hugs,” I told her. It was true. Being held by my old friend, takes me back to my freshman year of college. I was so scared, but she was the RA of our dorm, and helped me get through it. We became best friends – sort of like sisters.

She was my maid of honor. Ugh, why’d I have to think of my wedding? I have no idea how I’ll ever get through this, how I’ll ever stop thinking of Trent and how he hurt me.

We finalized our plans, when I’d pick her up from the airport and so on. I ended the call and walked around my new apartment. There were still boxes strewn about. I haven’t had the energy to unpack or do anything really.

One box in the corner had a lot of memorabilia from the wedding, from the marriage; gifts, photos, stuff like that. I stared at it, contemplating throwing it all away, chucking it in the dumpster. Then I thought about dating.

I can’t do it. I can’t go out and try to meet men. The one man who I thought was perfect, broke my heart, ruined our marriage. I have to be alone for a while.

I sat on the edge of my bed and cried again. All the plans I had, children, a nice house together, were ruined. I thought about Wendy. She’s been my best friend since college. I couldn’t wait to see her. I imagined myself becoming like jelly in her arms at the airport. I needed her hugs so bad.


“Kristen!” I exclaimed, running to my friend, throwing my arms her. She was already tearing up. We stood there in the airport, holding each other. She was crying. I was expecting that. I just held her.

She gained her composure, I grabbed her hand, and off to baggage claim we went. Kristen reminded of that scared, nervous freshman, whose parents pushed her out of the nest. I was there for her then, and now in her greatest heartbreak, I’m here for her again.

“You look gorgeous,” I told her.

“Please don’t,” she wiped her eyes.

“You do. Crying face and all,” I smiled at her. I put my arm around her, her head resting against my shoulder. “We’re going to have a great week. I’ll be like your medicine!”

“Ha, sure,” she laughed weakly.

I wished she hadn’t moved away. I wished hadn’t run from everything. But, I suppose I can empathize.

Grabbing my luggage with one hand, her hand with my other, off we went. I followed her to her car and got in.

We arrived at her apartment a little later. I set my bag in her room, used the bathroom, and headed out to the living room. There Kristen was, crying on the couch. I immediately went to her side.
